Chrome Guitars sprayed in Cosmichrome

Feast your eyes on these gorgeous chrome guitars. They have been spray chromed with Cosmichrome.  Chrome guitars are some of the most exiting projects to spray with Cosmichrome.

Our patented spray chrome is nearly indistinguishable from chrome electroplating. It doesn’t matter if the guitar is made of wood or nearly any other material. If you can paint the object, chances are you can spray chrome it with Cosmichrome. Furthermore, Cosmichrome is much more durable than any other spray chrome on the market so you won’t have to worry about it turning yellow or peeling after all your hard work.

We produce luscious chrome colors by tinting the Cosmichrome topcoat with one of our twenty colors. Colored chrome is a great way to personalize an instrument.  Just use your painting skills and your imagination to produce a unique instrument. Cosmichrome and your paint shop will make beautiful music together.

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